October 12, 2010

The Haps from Jonah...

I can’t wait to play soccer. Mom and dad make me go to all of Jude’s practices and his games. It takes all of dad’s energy to chase me and keep me from running out to join in. I’m learning so much from watching my big brother play like how to run in circles, push, and stick my tongue out at the other team. Pele had to start somewhere.

Recently I’ve started pee-peeing the potty. This is a trick I will perform for a Skittle. No Skittle, no potty. Let’s just say that mommy does a ‘load’ of laundry. I like to keep her on her feet. Maybe you’ve heard that sometimes I save it for the tub, too.

Have you seen this four-wheeler from my favorite uncle? Uncle Taylor, you really need to step it up. There is really no reason for me to ever learn how to ride a bike now. I can chase the dog, run down Jude, take out trees, it really does it all for me.

I’m going to go point at Jude now and cry while mommy tries to decipher what I’m saying. Maybe I’ll get some Skittles out of it.

- Jonah

Jonah on his 2nd Birthday
September 30, 2010
(yes, we make him wear a helmet...get over it.)

October 4, 2010


Tonight as I shut the door from putting Jonah to bed, he started to cry.  Generally, he goes right to sleep, other nights he'll talk to himself for a while.  Tonight he just cried louder and louder.  I went back in to see what the matter was.  He was trying really hard to tell me something.  Actually, he was telling me something and I was trying really hard to understand him.  I rocked him, put him back in bed and he cried.  I left him for a few minutes, he kept crying.  I went back in, turned on the light and asked him to show me what he wants (this technique often clears up my misunderstanding what he's trying to tell me).  He lead me to the back door and told me he wanted to, "GO OUT".  Okay, so we went out.  We discussed how everything is sleeping, including the sun, and that he needed  to be in bed too.  He agreed we should go back in.  As we walk back in, he started insisting a Popsicle.  I promised him one first thing tomorrow morning.  He gave another round of night-night kisses and as we headed past the TV to his room..."INNAWADFOODBALLLL!!!".  Yep, he added wanting to watch football to his list of bedtime stalls.  We laughed, he didn't.  We resaid his prayers and he laid down without a peep.

We're definitely in trouble with this one....

October 1, 2010

September 30th

September 30, 2008
September 30, 2009
September 30, 2010